Symposium 2024 

Urology Symposium is an annual event organized by​​ the Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The symposium serves an ideal platform for knowledge exchange among urologists and healthcare professionals worldwide. Each year, renowned urologists from Hong Kong and overseas are invited to deliver didactic lectures and make video presentations on the ​latest advances in urology.

Featuring Urology Unleashed: Embracing the Kaleidoscope of Diversity and Converging Perspectives, this year’s symposium is sch​​eduled on 19 October 2024. The by-invitation Asian Rising Star Programme for Research Skills Training and Academic Leadership (ARISTA) would be held on 18 October as the pre-symposium workshop. 




ARISTA is a by-invitation programme for enhancing research skills and nurturing academic leadership through didactic lectures and interactive discussion with world leading researchers.

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